Sunday, September 16, 2012

In The Studio- Using the Hydraulic Press

I usually put up DIYs or some other craft related item, but this week I wanted to take you in to the studio with me. My assignment this week was to create a piece of jewelry using the hydraulic press to create three dimensional forms.

This pendant is made from copper and the copper portions of the chain are hand made and formed with needle nose pliers with seed bead accents. The silver portions of the chain are store bought, but hand assembled.

In case you were wondering this is a hydraulic press :)

So in order to make this I had to cut out some shapes from plexiglass using a spiral saw. The first saw I was using ended up breaking because I was sawing so fast it melted into place and snapped right in half when I was taking it out!

In this close up you can see the three individual pieces that make up the pendant. I decided on connecting them with rivets because I felt that it related better to the organic shapes that make it up. Each piece of copper is textured differently all using the same method by using the sharp edge of a riveting hammer.

I am really excited about the hydraulic press, I like what it can do. It is so nice to have such dimensionality in this pendant. I feel that though it is a simple piece it finds its interest in the simple details, like the texture and the puffed up forms.

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